Saturday, July 26, 2008

A scene from Peony Pavillion: an intimate moment in Madam Du's dream

Apparently, one can dream about anything. See below a scene from the famous Chinese Kun opera "The Poeny Pavillion" written c.400 years ago.

In this scene,tired from the stroll in the family garden, Liniang (or Madam Du, the sixteen-year old daughter of a high magistrate) falls asleep in her chambers and dreams that she returns to the garden, encounters a young man under a plum tree and has an intimate moment with him. Awakened from the dream by her mother, Liniang feels that her real life is aimless and confined. She yearns for her lover and falls ill; after a while she dies of lovesickness. The young man in her dream was Liu Mengmei, who later made his way to the capital to take the imperial examination. He meets Liniang's soul in Plum in Blossom Nunnery and agrees to help her return to life by reuniting her soul with her body. They are successful and live happily ever after.

则为你如花美眷 似水流年 Time passes by like flowing water as I have been looking for you
是答儿闲寻遍在幽闺自怜 while your flowery prettiness is withering away as you are lost in sadness in boudoir
转过这芍药栏前 Let's go there around the railings of herbaceous peony
紧靠著湖山石边 Leaning against the rocks by the lake
和你把领扣松 untie our necklines and dresses
衣带宽袖 with sleeves in the corner of mouth
稍儿揾著牙儿苫也 have an sweet and intimate moment together
则待你忍耐温存一晌眠 The scene is so familiar with solemn
是那处曾相见 相看俨然 Is it better for us
早难道这好处相逢无一言 to meet but not to say any words?
这一霎天留人便 At the moment the day comes into dusk
草藉花眠 Grasses and flowers are falling asleep
则把云鬟点 Let me comb your hair
红松翠偏 as your hairpins of pearls and flowers are in a mess
见了你紧相偎 You lean on my chest with such a tenderness
慢厮连 恨不得肉儿般团成片也 that I would rather hug you with all my strength
逗的个日下胭脂雨上鲜 Your face with rouge is now watered with sweat like flowers in the rain
妙 我欲去还留 What a great day!I'm really reluctant to part

(originally posted by zjlzz)