Saturday, January 29, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Allen's new pastime
putting coins back to the piggy bank (or to his mouth)... Amy shot the video. Shooting videos of Allen is Amy's favorite pastime nowadays.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
千里德州行 a trip to Texas 2011年1月4日-11日
德州离我们青城镇(Greencastle, Indiana)大约1200英里,20个小时的开车路程。决定不飞,一路开去,一来因为半途(Kansas)可以去看丁艳和Daniel,以后要是他们去了上海,见也不易;而来因为小弟只有一岁,出门带着大批家当(尿不湿,瓶瓶罐罐,无数换洗衣物,等等),坐飞机又不方便又扰民,(很记得Amy小时候坐飞机,不但烦死我们,还骚扰了周围一众乘客),所以就千里驱车了,创造了家庭历史上很多第一次:是我们有史以来四个轮子方式最远的一次,是我们一家四口第一次大长途,是小弟的第一次真正意义上的旅行,路上见到到最多同学(包括多年不见的金苏平和徐薇薇一家),在南方享受了一个星期的温暖阳光,风雪归途则是出乎意料最具冒险性的一次旅程。不虚此行!
从北向南开,越来越温暖,越来越阳光;回家的时候正相反,到了德州北部,因为普降大雪,一贯温暖的南方又没有除雪工具,也没有撒盐;有的路段倒是撒了沙子,但是沙子和冰结合之后形成一片一片的冰疙瘩,颠簸无比,也没能减轻路滑,所以车速极慢,高速公路成了龟速公路。过了德州到了阿肯色,有一段路处理得极好,速度一度恢复到70-80英里。好景不长,又滑又颠的路重现,在I-30上有一段看到多辆翻车,结果堵了5个多小时,偶尔挪一挪,平均时速1英里。从天亮堵到天黑,好在我们车上有充足的水粮,油箱满满,不冷也不饿,只是小弟扭个不停,想出去。Amy狂打Angry Birds。(后来看报纸,有人堵了8个多小时,无粮无水,悲惨啊!)周围多是大卡车,司机等得无聊,竟堆起雪人。到了快半夜,好不容易队伍开始挪动,慢速开出最近的出口,投宿,竟是家家客满,指点我们去6里之外的出口找出路。到了之后发现全镇只有一家旅馆还有5个房间,匆匆赶去,运气不错,几乎是拿了最后一间double room。第二天(1月11日)看新闻,我们昨天算是把I-30上最艰难的一段熬了过来,那一段情况还是没有缓解。上路后,从Akansas到Illinois一路还好,天晴,温度零上,路不算滑。进了Illinois不久,漫天飘雪,北方的天气来了,温度不停地降,路面开始令人不安,有一次甚至连车上的电子平衡机制都自动启动了,车身扭了几次,大家出一身冷汗,幸好当时周围都没有其他车辆。路上滑进沟,撞了栏杆的小车大车颇有几辆,心惊!进了印第安那州,路面明显撒过盐,但是心有余悸,本着安全第一的原则,只以40里的时速前进。10点多平安归家!
We drove to San Anatonio, Texas Jan. 3-4, passing through Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, before eventually arriving at Texas. It was a long drive but not without fun, especially since we got to see Daniel and Ding Yan, our old friends, in Wichita, Kansas. Believe it or not, the landscape in the mid-west and the south make us have more faith in the States: The country is blessed with resources, space and strong agriculture!
While in Texas, we got to see Suping and Weiwei, their families, and their beautiful houses. We enjoyed the wonderful home cooking, but above all the conversations, which brought back interesting memories of our teenage years!
My presentations went well. Got some really good questions!
The trip back home, however, was kind of scary, and sometimes even frightening.Due to heavy snow, the road was icy, bumpy and extremely treacherous. We inched along on I-30 at the speed of 1 mile per hour for over 5 hours! We are so grateful that we are home safe and sound. But it makes the trip all the more memorable, and more adventurous than we intended it to be.
从北向南开,越来越温暖,越来越阳光;回家的时候正相反,到了德州北部,因为普降大雪,一贯温暖的南方又没有除雪工具,也没有撒盐;有的路段倒是撒了沙子,但是沙子和冰结合之后形成一片一片的冰疙瘩,颠簸无比,也没能减轻路滑,所以车速极慢,高速公路成了龟速公路。过了德州到了阿肯色,有一段路处理得极好,速度一度恢复到70-80英里。好景不长,又滑又颠的路重现,在I-30上有一段看到多辆翻车,结果堵了5个多小时,偶尔挪一挪,平均时速1英里。从天亮堵到天黑,好在我们车上有充足的水粮,油箱满满,不冷也不饿,只是小弟扭个不停,想出去。Amy狂打Angry Birds。(后来看报纸,有人堵了8个多小时,无粮无水,悲惨啊!)周围多是大卡车,司机等得无聊,竟堆起雪人。到了快半夜,好不容易队伍开始挪动,慢速开出最近的出口,投宿,竟是家家客满,指点我们去6里之外的出口找出路。到了之后发现全镇只有一家旅馆还有5个房间,匆匆赶去,运气不错,几乎是拿了最后一间double room。第二天(1月11日)看新闻,我们昨天算是把I-30上最艰难的一段熬了过来,那一段情况还是没有缓解。上路后,从Akansas到Illinois一路还好,天晴,温度零上,路不算滑。进了Illinois不久,漫天飘雪,北方的天气来了,温度不停地降,路面开始令人不安,有一次甚至连车上的电子平衡机制都自动启动了,车身扭了几次,大家出一身冷汗,幸好当时周围都没有其他车辆。路上滑进沟,撞了栏杆的小车大车颇有几辆,心惊!进了印第安那州,路面明显撒过盐,但是心有余悸,本着安全第一的原则,只以40里的时速前进。10点多平安归家!
We drove to San Anatonio, Texas Jan. 3-4, passing through Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, before eventually arriving at Texas. It was a long drive but not without fun, especially since we got to see Daniel and Ding Yan, our old friends, in Wichita, Kansas. Believe it or not, the landscape in the mid-west and the south make us have more faith in the States: The country is blessed with resources, space and strong agriculture!
While in Texas, we got to see Suping and Weiwei, their families, and their beautiful houses. We enjoyed the wonderful home cooking, but above all the conversations, which brought back interesting memories of our teenage years!
My presentations went well. Got some really good questions!
The trip back home, however, was kind of scary, and sometimes even frightening.Due to heavy snow, the road was icy, bumpy and extremely treacherous. We inched along on I-30 at the speed of 1 mile per hour for over 5 hours! We are so grateful that we are home safe and sound. But it makes the trip all the more memorable, and more adventurous than we intended it to be.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
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