Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Amy's Poetry Amy开始写诗了

Trees (April, 2010)

Trees everywhere,
Swaying your branches,
Oh so high, making me
Dizzt at every goodbye

Summer 夏天 (12/4/2007)

Summer's thee is to be.
From the fluttering butterfly to the stinging bee,
Let them roam free into the tree.
Flowers blooming is so grooming.
Their colors blind me from behind.

(Amy wrote this poem for her homework today).

Another poem另一首诗 posted on New York Public School "PSpoem" website
"I Wonder," Amy Gong, Second Grade, PS 173M
I wonder the wonders of the the world
From the Great Wall
to the Taj Mahal
Wondering on their majesty
all that I see.
I wonder about the animals
in the jungles
as well as the animals in the sea.
All the wonders I wonder!
Walking around the world
I ponder
what the world would be like
if there's nothing to see?

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