Saturday, September 22, 2007

kabuki 歌舞伎

坂東玉三郎(Bando Tamasaburo)果然是大师, 动静传神,举手投足间不经意地流动或哀怨或无奈或窃喜或羞怯的情绪,如诗入画,精妙不可言。Tamasaburo is indeed a master of the art of Kabuki. His seemingly effortless body movements create a poetic image on stage. The exuberant costume and the picturesque dance provide luxurious visual carnival. At the same time, the emotion-rich music as well as the well-controlled facial expressions effectively convey all kinds of mood.

坂東玉三郎 鷺娘 变装 Simply fabulous.


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