家里换屋顶,Amish工号称这次一下可以管用35年! The Amish contractors have started to work on our roof. There are three reasons why I like them: They don't play loud music while working; They are fast and efficient; Amazingly, they are less expensive than the contractors in town. 喜欢Amish人,以前有个post
"We shall never be rid of antiquity as long as we do not become barbarians again. Barbarians and modern American men of culture live without consciousness of history." (From "Judgements on History and Historians, transl. H. Zohn, Boston, Beacon Press, 1958, p.24. First published in German in 1929, taken from lectures delivered 1865-1885.)
I took Amy and some of her friends to see "How to train your dragon"《驯龙记》,《驯龙高手》today on its opening night. Among all the PG movies that I have seen with Amy lately (of course I'm stuck with PG movies), I actually enjoyed this one. Great animation, tons of action, nice music: it was a movie for the kids as much as for me (I like vampires, and werewolves; but active dragons also work for me). Vikings with Irish accent, nice touch! Unfortunately, we were watching the 2D version rather than the fabulous 3D version. If I get a chance, I would want to see the 3D at an imax.
The theater was not as crowded as the opening night of Alice in Wonderland or Arvin the Chipmunk Squeakquel. Huge lines for Arvin the Chipmunk Squeakquel; we were a little bit late and had to sit on the front row! Imagine that. 今天《驯龙记》首映。带了Amy和她的朋友赶首场。梦工厂的作品果然不负期待。造型可爱,音乐迷人,音效震撼,搞笑与感动并重。爱尔兰口音的维京海盗(the Vikings)很可爱。(梦工厂好像很喜欢爱尔兰口音哦。)剧情和葛连蕾韵熙达·柯维尔蜜(Cressida Cowell)的同名儿童图书并不完全相符。话说在鸟不生蛋的远方,维京们时受各种龙等的骚扰,动辙就来抢羊放火。肌肉发达的维京壮汉以屠龙为光荣。据说维京头领幼齿之时便能手刃龙只,于是赢得滔滔不绝的敬仰。肌肉发达大块头的维京头领有一子,名Hiccup(直译“打嗝”),手不能刃,肩不能提,身板有如豆芽菜(用剧中话直说是fishbone“鱼骨头”),全无乃父风范。头领多有失望。然“打嗝”头脑另类,爱好钻研,自创捆龙机,捆住传说中的夜暴龙(night fury)一只。只是被缚的夜暴龙落入丛林深处,不为大家所见,无人相信“打嗝”捆龙机的功效。而“打嗝”和尾部受伤的夜暴龙成了朋友,取其名为“无牙” (Toothless)。从无牙处,“打嗝”领会到龙们其实并不可怕,而且还有许多罩门。这些秘诀让最弱的“打嗝”得以在屠龙课上以头名冒出。与此同时, “打嗝”还发现龙们时来抢掠,是因为它们自己也受制于一条尺寸不明的巨龙。这个巨龙在食物链的最顶端,连龙也吃。“打嗝”试图相维京们解释这一切,但维京头领大怒之下,甚至与他断绝父子关系,锁了无牙,率船队浩浩荡荡去龙巢剿龙。深藏洞穴的巨龙受扰,维京完全无还手之力。此时,“打嗝”与几个年轻同伴骑龙而来,与巨龙周旋,最终以智取胜,掌握时机,无牙在巨龙张口的一刹那喷火入喉,巨龙五内俱焚,葬身火海。(这一段的战斗场面,天上地下的打斗精彩已极。) 而无牙的尾部着火,失去平衡,无牙和骑在身上的“打嗝”都坠入火海。旁观的维京们无不咋舍震惊(电影院里的小骇子们紧张得直叫“oh,no,no!”)。已经满心悔悟的维京头领伤心不已。不过电影当然是幸福结局:无牙张开翅膀露出昏厥的“打嗝”;维京们重返家园,开始和平的生活。环境依然平淡,然而大小龙们成了维京们生活的一部分,因了它们的存在,维京们的生活添了好多滋味!(忘了说一句,“打嗝”当然活着,不过装了只假铁腿。)
Representing TZ intermediate of Greencastle, Amy's team won the Indiana State Math competition for Class 3. Go champions!
A record setting 447 teams participated in the March 11, 2010 Area Competition, which included 6,949 students. The results can be found here http://www.iasp.org/iace/MathBowlResultsClass3.html. Amy's team scored 27, missing only one problem. Only two teams in the entire state scored a perfect 28. TZ was 5th overall of all teams in all classes.
Amy's dad thought the problems were kind of easy; but again he has always been very quick in math. (I didn't go see the competition because of the baby.) I'm just glad that they got some serious math. Since it was a team competition, I don't think Amy was all that nervous. She still wore her lucky necklace to the game.
For local news report, see http://www.bannergraphic.com/story/1618207.html